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Journal Article
I. Arismendi, Johnson, S. L., and Dunham, J. B., Technical Note: Higher-order statistical moments and a procedure that detects potentially anomalous years as two alternative methods describing alterations in continuous environmental data, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1169 - 1180, 2015.
J. B. Dunham, Hoffmann, R. G., and Arismendi, I., Practical guidelines for monitoring movement of aquatic organisms at stream-road crossings, 2011.
I. Arismendi, Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., and Hockman-Wert, D., The paradox of cooling streams in a warming world: Regional climate trends do not parallel variable local trends in stream temperature in the Pacific continental United States, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39, no. 10, p. n/a - n/a, 2012.
B. E. Penaluna, Dunham, J. B., Railsback, S. F., Arismendi, I., Johnson, S. L., Bilby, R. E., Safeeq, M., and Skaugset, A. E., Local Variability Mediates Vulnerability of Trout Populations to Land Use and Climate Change, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 8, p. e0135334, 2015.
I. Arismendi, Safeeq, M., Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., and HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Increasing synchrony of high temperature and low flow in western North American streams: double trouble for coldwater biota?, Hydrobiologia, vol. 712, no. 1, pp. 61 - 70, 2013.
D. Tullos, Walter, C., and Dunham, J. B., Does resolution of flow field observation influence apparent habitat use and energy expenditure in juvenile coho salmon?, Water Resources Research, 2016.
I. Arismendi, Penaluna, B. E., Dunham, J. B., de Leaniz, C. García, Soto, D., Fleming, I. A., Gomez-Uchida, D., Gajardo, G., Vargas, P. V., and León-Muñoz, J., Differential invasion success of salmonids in southern Chile: patterns and hypotheses, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 919 - 941, 2014.
I. Arismendi, Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., and HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Descriptors of natural thermal regimes in streams and their responsiveness to change in the Pacific Northwest of North America, Freshwater Biology, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 880 - 894, 2013.
I. Arismendi, Safeeq, M., Dunham, J. B., and Johnson, S. L., Can air temperature be used to project influences of climate change on stream temperature?, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 9, no. 8, p. 084015, 2014.