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“Yield and composition of Ocimum basilicum L. and Ocimum sanctum L. grown at four locations”, HortScience, vol. 43, pp. 737-741, 2008.
, “Yield, Oil Content, and Composition of Sunflower Grown at Multiple Locations in Mississippi”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 100, no. 3, p. 635, 2008.
, “Yield, oil content, and composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown at multiple locations in Mississippi”, Agron J., vol. 100, pp. 635-642, 2008.
, “Changes in Hunger and Food Insecurity in Oregon”, Rural Studies Program Fact Sheets, 2007.
, “Characterization of a new compound eluting in an ergovaline HPLC assay associated with reproductive problems in dairy cows”, in Poisonous Plants: Global Research and Solutions, 2007.
, “Comparison of Endophyte detection in fescue and ryegrass seed using an immunoblot assay and microscopic method”, Seed Science and Technology, vol. 35, pp. 65-74, 2007.
, “Comparison of endophyte detection in fescue and ryegrass seeds using an immunoblot assay and a microscopic method”, Seed Science and Technology, vol. 35, pp. 65–74, 2007.
, “Determination of the toxic threshold of lolitrem B in cattle eating endophyte-infected perennial ryegrass”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Fungal Endophytes of Grasses. 2007.
, “Evaluation and management of high-risk pregnancy in the mare. ”, in Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology 2, Elsevier Sciences, 2007.
, “Firm heterogeneity and international trade: Implications for agricultural and food industries”, IATRC Trade Policy Issues Paper, vol. 5, 2007.
, “Global climate change implications for digital government research: keynote panel”, in Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains, 2007.
, “Identifying factors that influence state-specific hunger rates in the US: A simple analytic method for understanding a persistent problem”, Social Indicators Research, vol. 81, pp. 579–595, 2007.
, “Inhibition of malolactic fermentation by a peptide produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during alcoholic fermentation.”, Int J Food Microbiol, vol. 118, no. 1, pp. 27-34, 2007.
, “Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?”, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
, “Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?”, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
, “Irrigation best management practices for potato”, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 84, no. 13, pp. 29 - 37, 2007.
, “Landscape factors influencing the abundance and dominance of the invasive plant Potentilla recta”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, pp. 218–224, 2007.
, “Landscape Factors Influencing the Abundance and Dominance of the Invasive Plant Potentilla Recta”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 218 - 224, 2007.
, “Maintaining Optimum Seed Quality in Storage-Storing grass seeds in Oregon”, Seed Production Research at Oregon State University, 2007.
, “Managing irrigation water quality for crop production in the Pacific Northwest”, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2007.
, “Managing salt-affected soils for crop production”, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2007.
, “Managing saltaffected soils for crop production”, PNW 601-E, 2007.
, “Nonmetropolitan Hunger and Food Security in the Northwest”, EM 8938-E, 2007.
, “Nutrition-induced ketosis alters metabolic and signaling gene networks in liver of periparturient dairy cows.”, Physiol Genomics, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 105-16, 2007.
, “Postharvest Handling of Sweetpotatoes”, North Carolina Cooperative Extension & Louisiana Cooperative Extension Bulletin, 2007.