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“LONG TERM VEGETATION CHANGES ON THE" ISLAND" RESEARCH NATURAL AREA”, History, Ecology, and Management, p. 68, 1999.
, “Understory vegetation changes following cutting of western juniper in Grant County, Oregon”, Range Field Day Annual Report, Oregon State Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report, vol. 1002, pp. 44–49, 1999.
, “Compositional and enzymatic changes associated with the sugar-end defect in Russet Burbank potatoes”, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 7767, no. 1, pp. 47 - 56, 2000.
, “Crown Rot: A Serious Disease of Hosta and Other Perennials”, Iowa State University Extension Bulletin SUL 8, 2000.
, “Crown rot poses problem for hosta lovers”, Iowa State University Extension, 2000.
, “ESTIMATING PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN IN BIOSOLIDS: A REVISION”, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, vol. 2000, no. 1, pp. 174 - 186, 2000.
, “Modification of mixed-conifer forests by ruminant herbivores in the Blue Mountains ecological province”, PNW-RP-527, 2000.
, “Reevaluation of tolerances for noxious weed seeds.”, Seed Technology, vol. 22, pp. 5–14, 2000.
“Re-evaluation of tolerances for noxious weed seeds”, Seed Technology, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 5-14, 2000.
, “Sex Pheromone of the Peach Aphid, Tuberocephalus momonis, and Optimal Blends for Trapping Males and Females in the Field”, Journal of Chemical Ecology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 601 - 609, 2000.
, “Yield of yellow onion cultivars in eastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho”, HortTechnology, 2000.
, “Cedar-Apple Rust”, Iowa State University Extension, 2001.
, “Health of houseplants begins at the garden center”, Iowa State University Extension, 2001.
, “Landscape patterns of tropical forest recovery in the Republic of Palau1”, Biotropica, vol. 33, pp. 555–565, 2001.
, “Landscape Patterns of Tropical Forest Recovery in the Republic of Palau1”, Biotropica, vol. 332284263681310792876, no. 4, pp. 555 - 565, 2001.
, “Physiological and Harvest Maturity of Canola in Relation to Seed Quality”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 93, no. 5, p. 1054, 2001.
, “Physiological and harvest maturity of canola in relation to seed quality”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 93, pp. 1054-1058, 2001.
, “Dynamics in Central Oregon's western juniper woodlands”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2002.
, “The importance of endemic species to forest succession in Palau”, MICRONESICA-AGANA-, vol. 34, pp. 141–153, 2002.
, “Tracking movement of cattle with satellites”, Agricultural Research, vol. 50, p. 16, 2002.
, “Characterization of rheological properties and thermal stability of fish myofibrillar proteins”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2003.
, “Decomposition and Plant-Available Nitrogen in Biosolids”, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 1498, 2003.
, “EARLY AND LATE HARVEST POTATO CULTIVAR RESPONSE TO DRIP IRRIGATION”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 619, pp. 233 - 239, 2003.