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Filters: Keyword is beef cattle and Author is David W Bohnert [Clear All Filters]
“OSU's Home on the Range”, Oregon's Agricultural Progress, 2003.
, “Wolfy forage: Its effect on cattle distribution and diet quality”, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center. Range Field Day Report, pp. 4–9, 2004.
, “Management Considerations for Use of Perennial Ryegrass Straw as a Forage Source for Beef Cattle”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, SR 1057, 2006.
, “Using Mycosorb”, Alltech's 23rd Annual Symposium . Nottingham, UK, 2007.
, “Late gestation supplementation of beef cows: effects on cow and calf performance”, in Proceedings of the Western Section of American Society of Animal Science, 2010.
, “Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on ruminal in situ forage degradability, performance, and physiological responses of feeder cattle.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 89, no. 11, pp. 3677-89, 2011.
, “Nutritional and Seed Responses of Forage Kochia to Ruminal Incubation”, Rangelands, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 8-11, 2011.
, “Effects of camelina meal supplementation on ruminal forage degradability, performance, and physiological responses of beef cattle”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 11, pp. 4042 - 4054, 2012.
, “Late gestation supplementation of beef cows differing in body condition score: Effects on cow and calf performance”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91, no. 11, pp. 5485 - 5491, 2013.
, “Rest stops during road transport: Impacts on performance and acute-phase protein responses of feeder cattle”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91877481868223158478978789899034845907562758590179385797439, no. 11, pp. 5448 - 5454, 2013.
, “Wolf presence in the ranch of origin: Impacts on temperament and physiological responses of beef cattle following a simulated wolf encounter1”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 912927196567878990239056181522156672130746688, no. 12, pp. 5905 - 5911, 2013.
, “Incorporation of sexed semen into reproductive management of cow–calf operations”, Livestock Science, vol. 163, pp. 165 - 171, 2014.
, “Supplementation based on protein or energy ingredients to beef cattle consuming low-quality cool-season forages: I. Forage disappearance parameters in rumen-fistulated steers and physiological responses in pregnant heifers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 6E-Suppl. 2Suppl. 1, pp. 2716 - 2724, 2014.
, “Effects of Oral Meloxicam Administration to Beef Cattle Receiving Lipopolysaccharide Administration or Vaccination Against Respiratory Pathogens”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 10, pp. 5018 - 5027, 2015.
, “Effects of vaccination against respiratory pathogens on feed intake, metabolic, and inflammatory responses in beef heifers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 9, p. 4443, 2015.
, “Management Considerations for Beef Cows with Emphasis on Offspring Performance and Cow Nutrient Requirements”, Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Oregon State University, Boise, Idaho, pp. 107-118, 2020.
, “Effects of Virtual Fence Monitored by Global Positioning System on Beef Cattle Behavior”, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5. pp. S144 - S148, 2021.
, “Modeling Riparian Use by Cattle – Influence of Management, Season, and Weather”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2024.