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Journal Article
J. W. Julian and Seavert, C., AgProfit™: a net present value and cash flow based decision aid for agriculture producers, Agricultural Finance Review, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 366 - 378, 2011.
C. Seavert, Hinman, H., and Klonsky, K., A crop profitability analysis for long‐term crop investments, Agricultural Finance Review, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 125 - 135, 2006.
X. Yin, Seavert, C., Turner, J., Núñez-Elisea, R., and Cahn, H., Effects of polypropylene groundcover on soil nutrient availability, sweet cherry nutrition, and cash costs and returns, HortScience, vol. 42, pp. 147–151, 2007.
X. Yin and Seavert, C., Feasibility of using polypropylene ground cover upon consideration of long-term responses of sweet cherry nutrition and profitability, Agricultural Sciences, vol. 03, no. 04, pp. 594 - 601, 2012.
R. äre, Wang, C., and Seavert, C., A model of site-specific nutrient management, Applied Economics, vol. 44131, no. 33, pp. 4369 - 4380, 2012.
S. M. Capalbo, Antle, J. M., and Seavert, C., Next generation data systems and knowledge products to support agricultural producers and science-based policy decision making, Agricultural Systems, vol. 155, pp. 191 - 199, 2017.
X. Yin, Bai, J., and Seavert, C., Pear responses to split fertigation and band placement of nitrogen and phosphorus, HortTechnology, vol. 19, pp. 586–592, 2009.
X. Yin, Seavert, C., and le Roux, J., Responses of Irrigation Water Use and Productivity of Sweet Cherry to Single-Lateral Drip Irrigation and Ground Covers, Soil Science, vol. 176, no. 1, pp. 39 - 47, 2011.
C. Wang, Fare, R., and Seavert, C., Revenue capacity efficiency of pear trees and its decomposition, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 131, pp. 32–40, 2006.
E. M. Perry, Dezzani, R. J., Seavert, C., and Pierce, F. J., Spatial variation in tree characteristics and yield in a pear orchard, Precision agriculture, vol. 11, pp. 42–60, 2010.
L. L. Houston, Capalbo, S., Seavert, C., Dalton, M., Bryla, D. R., and Sagili, R., Specialty fruit production in the Pacific Northwest: adaptation strategies for a changing climate, Climatic Change, 2017.
X. Yin, Long, L. E., Huang, X. - L., Jaja, N., Bai, J., Seavert, C., and le Roux, J., Transitional effects of double-lateral drip irrigation and straw mulch on irrigation water consumption, mineral nutrition, yield, and storability of sweet cherry, HortTechnology, vol. 22, pp. 484–492, 2012.